South Carolina
State Laws
SECTION 59-17-135. (Amended) Character education.
“(B) Each local school board of trustees of the State must develop a policy addressing character education. Any character education program implemented by a district as a result of an adopted policy must, to the extent possible, incorporate character traits including, but not limited to, the following: respect for authority and respect for others, honesty, self-control, cleanliness, courtesy, good manners, cooperation, citizenship, patriotism, courage, fairness, kindness, self-respect, compassion, diligence, good work ethics, sound educational habits, generosity, punctuality, cheerfulness, patience, sportsmanship, loyalty, and virtue.” (Source)
Reported Animal Abuse Cases
WASZ 3 News reported that authorities had arrested a trio of teens in association with the death of Richland County Sheriff’s Office K-9 Bumi, who was apparently shot twice during a pursuit of the juveniles. Reportedly, two of the individuals charged – a 13-year-old and a 16-year-old – pleaded guilty in connection to the shooting, and the 13-year-old additionally pleaded guilty to attempted murder after firing at a deputy.
WYFF News 4 reported that two juveniles had allegedly been seen in a social media video spraying an opossum with an accelerant and lighting them on fire, punting the flaming animal several yards, and then stomping on the still-burning body. A photo of the corpse was also allegedly circulated on social media. Both individuals have reportedly been charged with felony III treatment of animals. reported that two juveniles were filmed falling over with laughter after one of them slammed a homeless cat to the concrete ground. reported that a 19-year-old allegedly filmed himself shooting a dog several times after grabbing and throwing the animal in a hole. The 19-year-old was reportedly later arrested for Animal Cruelty by the Clarendon County Sheriff’s Office. reported that a 16-year-old boy had allegedly shot and killed six pigs on a farm in Kershaw County. reported that multiple juveniles had been accused of repeatedly throwing an opossum into the air and beating the animal with a baseball bat inside their garage, an incident that was reportedly posted to Snapchat. The opossum later died from the injuries. reported that three juveniles, ages 12 and 13, had allegedly set fire to a dog, who was found dead. The kids were reportedly arrested and charged with ill treatment of animals. reported that two teenagers—ages 14 and 17—had been arrested and charged with cruelty to animals after allegedly throwing a knife at a 6-week-old puppy and shooting him 18 times with a BB gun. The puppy was reportedly recovering after receiving veterinary care. reported that a high school student had been arrested and charged with cruelty to animals for abusing animals and posting videos of the incidents on social media sites. Some videos appeared to depict the teen luring a cat toward him and then throwing the animal into the air. The suspect was later found guilty of cruelty to animals. reported that a teenager had been arrested and charged with cruelty to animals after posting a video to social media of himself kicking a kitten off his porch. The cat and other animals were removed from the suspect’s home.